On the “Afterword” to the book by Feodor Shkrudnev

“Nicolai Levashov’s «SvetL Broom» in Alexander Khatybov’s
«Bath School» and A Labor Spade”



There comes an amazing time when a knowledgeable person who is also a seeker, has the possibility, when fulfilling certain requirements of his chosen methodology of cognition, to look around and submerge to the “certain depth” of the Cognition of our world, so that, having known the Truth, can advance to the stage of a person who understands and owns it. Moreover, the sum of knowledge, in contrast to the well-known Leninist formulation, does not acquire a new quality when it comes to knowing the Truth. Here the author provides his own understanding of Knowledge and Truth, based on personal experience and the experience of the founders of the New Knowledge.

In the epigraph to the ”Afterword,” the quintessence of its content is actually set out in summary form: everyone has brains, just not everyone knows what to do with them.



It would be possible to understand how the world is made if the cause and effect were clear to us – what could happen when our brain reaches the level it had before the invaders “arrived”. From philosophy we know that every reason causes a certain consequence. Here, the author has given a new approach to understanding the relationship between the cause and the target, which determines and controls it (the cause) through the phenomenon of the dominance of Non-Being over Being. There is truth, but it is not perceived, and it is unchanged, and only false knowledge is changeable, which changes depending on the situation, “…the truth exists even when it is not recorded and not spoken, and not realized.”

The author gives his interpretation of false and true knowledge. It is very important. As it is known in science (technology, art, etc.), the authors of the New Knowledge and Concepts build their models of the studied objects on the basis of (as a rule) a number of reliable facts, and then compare those to correspond with real objects. Hence, there is a huge number of models and theories that are far from the original, and, according to the author’s scale, are false, for variability, which was originally laid down in them and is associated with the technology of acquiring knowledge. As known, this technology is based on the primitive Trial and Error Method (T&EM), which allows change of the initial models of the studied objects. Hence, the knowledge obtained by each researcher is different, and therefore can be attributed to false and “incorrectly formed” knowledge, as the author points out.

 True knowledge is unchanging and correctly formed in accordance with the nature of the understanding Mind. In science, the correspondence of the proposed model to the studied object is considered to be the achievement of Truth, however, this correspondence cannot cover all aspects of the subject, which we do not even have any idea of because of the limitations of our capabilities and knowledge, therefore we can attribute them as false, although they bring us closer to the Truth. We need a New Philosophy of Cognition, which allows us to correctly form knowledge in accordance with nature, from which we must learn to get to know “ourselves.” For example, you need to know not only how an atom is structured, but why exactly like that, and not otherwise, that is, to know about its content, which determines its shape in accordance with the laws of harmony.

We can assume that in the analyzed book an attempt is made to give the basis or direction in which the development of this New Philosophy of Knowledge is necessary.

As the basis of a new approach to Cognition, the author uses three properties of knowledge: correctness, truthfulness and conformity with the subject, which condition each other in a certain sequence. At the same time, the correctness of knowledge shaping consists in the full conformity of the educational process with the NATURE of the UNDERSTANDING MIND. And in the current period of Cognition it is most important to form understanding, because knowledge and understanding are completely different levels of cognition and differ in nature and origin. At the initial stage, cognition is limited to the study of surface features that are accessible to us, not formed into the system, and to understand the subject, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of it through its whole perception with the dominant participation of the human mind – a unique tool for cognizing the world around us. But even in this case, due to the characteristics of the human brain, it is impossible to cover all facets of the subject under study at all levels of scale dimension.

Truths in which knowledge is expressed, as the author notes, are complementing each other, and ONLY in understanding are they united.

Knowledge occurs by reason, and understanding is formed with purpose. The totality of human knowledge is what enslaves the human brain. And human understanding is the world created by the thought of man in which the Human Mind reigns. For the first time, the author connected the ability to cognize and understand what is known with a person’s genotype ( that was not even understood before), which provides answers to a number of questions related to the “paradox”: all people have the same knowledge, but they have different understanding and possibilities, and some don’t have it at all.

Some follow the path of never-ending “mechanical” accumulation of factual knowledge (the result: encyclopedic knowledge, without any understanding), while others are synthesizing knowledge through methodological reflection and understanding. It is the second path that leads to the development of the human brain.
There is a huge amount of work ahead for rethinking and changing our logic, which is discrete due to the peculiarities of human development in the last 20,000 years.

The article raises various questions and answers some of them. For example, the author pays great attention to the uniqueness of the Russian language – the language of communication with the Higher Mind, the programming language of management and communication, which has the highest degree of informational saturation density. That is why it is so important to study it in the Old Slavonic that is still unusual for us, as a new format of language communication.

The author draws attention to such questions as the reasons why a person gets into a network of cults and various organizations that know how to use human weaknesses, especially the reluctance to engage in self-development. Such people are desirable for parasites, who for a long time controlled and changed us for the worse, limiting the development of our mind. But, as Nicolai Levashov wrote, you ought to be grateful to the enemy, who by its attitude towards us actually “gives a chance” and forces us to develop, not actually wanting it specifically. And it’s not always good when everything works out for us, like “clockwork”, because then there is no forward movement and failure or success comfort us. We must always remember that “Failure is a forward movement” and to ensure the accelerated development of our brain, everyone will use and develop THEIR OWN BRAIN, despite how difficult and complicated that is, and “not trying to maneuver in the bits and pieces of someone’s assertions.”

The advice of the author to those who have decided to devote themselves to acquaintance with the New Knowledge is very important for their research and further development.
But today, not everything from the true knowledge needs to be accepted and studied, but, in the opinion of the author, only the knowledge that aims to develop understanding.

Here we can say in simple words: do not hurry to make decisions of any scale, because those decisions will be based on the old, distorted foundation of humane, but not Human thinking.

A changing and changeable world CANNOT be harmoniously combined with constant, unchangeable structures. This is the topic of a separate study for those who want to try their knowledge and their brain in solving this problem. And, as the author notes, “nothing will work if you are in a hurry – not only in trying to make a decision when striving to realize a desire, but even in choosing the desire itself. ”You need to hurry slowly, because in serious problems no one “steps on your heels.”

And, finally, one of the topical issues for many, which was repeatedly raised by the author of “Afterword” and other authors in their articles: HELPING PEOPLE to solve their health problems, including in the context of their own development. A number of problems are encountered here – moral, ethical, etc., which everyone could solve with an understanding of the problem itself and the way to solve it. Then the movement is more likely to TAKE THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

So, the cycle of the books that Feodor Shkrudnev completed can be considered the foundation on which the New Theory of Knowledge, its Philosophy, can be based. And already, as the author of the article urges us: “it’s time to start not asking questions, but looking for answers, ”in order to ultimately tell yourself: good job!..



Professor Igor M. Kondrakov
Ph.D. in Technical Sciences