On the “Afterword” to the book by Feodor Shkrudnev

“Nicolai Levashov’s «SvetL Broom» in Alexander Khatybov’s
«Bath School» and A Labor Spade”



There comes an amazing time when a knowledgeable person who is also a seeker, has the possibility, when fulfilling certain requirements of his chosen methodology of cognition, to look around and submerge to the “certain depth” of the Cognition of our world, so that, having known the Truth, can advance to the stage of a person who understands and owns it. Moreover, the sum of knowledge, in contrast to the well-known Leninist formulation, does not acquire a new quality when it comes to knowing the Truth. Here the author provides his own understanding of Knowledge and Truth, based on personal experience and the experience of the founders of the New Knowledge.

In the epigraph to the ”Afterword,” the quintessence of its content is actually set out in summary form: everyone has brains, just not everyone knows what to do with them. [Read more]