
“N. Levashov’s “SvetL” Broom in A. Khatybov’s Bath Science and a Labor Spade”


Everyone has brains;
just not everyone knows what to do with them


So the time has come to retract the periscope into the hull and give the command to descend. But the periscope was raised in order to look around and see what was happening. The descent is an action after looking round.

It is a really amazing time now. Throughout Mankind’s existence, our planet has experienced a lot of paradigm shifts, and all of them were received with stiff resistance. Today we can see that these types of unconcealed shifts in thinking occur in several spheres and all at the same time. This may seem overwhelming to those who are trying to ignore the ongoing processes, especially considering the fact that many of the ideas currently being implemented are conflicting with the current belief systems. There will always be resistance to new information that does not fit into the existing framework, irrespective of its being reasonable or factual (obvious). [Read more]

Why was Christ crucified?



… If one opened the Old Testament or the Torah and read what Moses did and how he did it after he became a God’s messiah, he or she would reveal one “strange” feature of his activity. According to these books all his acts carried only death and destruction, nothing else! He killed even those who agreed to come with him but did not want to submit to him and his “laws” which he brought from Mount Sinai after his unforgettable meeting with a talking bush. He killed these people blaming them for worshiping the Golden Calf. Here I drew the attention of the listeners to the facts that if he indeed destroyed the servants of the Golden Calf without a trace, why do the surviving Israelites continue to serve the Golden Calf until now? Also I raised the subject of Christianity, saying that Christianity and the concept, for the sake of which the person who was called Christ sacrificed his life, have nothing in common! [Read more]